14 January 2009

the kindness of strangers

this morning on the bus i half listened to a conversation a boy was having with the man sitting next to him. they didn't know each other but the elderly man sat and listened with apparent interest, even asked questions, while the boy next to him who usually pushes people out of the way so he can sit on the one seat on its own right by the driver told him about computer games and consoles. it was quite sweet really, i am inherently southern in my attitude to talking to strangers on the bus, i just don't think its right but it was nice to listen to this conversation and to know that there are some people with the patience to talk to others, others who have some kind of learning difficulty. i say that not in a derogatory sense, i genuinely think he has one, i see the signs, he reminds me a little of my brother and it breaks my heart to think that my brother might be like him but that people might ignore him as i probably would, or at least just give a polite answer and get on with my book. i am glad there are others out there more considerate than i. perhaps i shall try to do a good deed every day.

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