"Kill Your Friends" - the title of a book I noticed a man reading today. Well I think it was, I am in dire need of an eye test (not strictly true, I know I can't see things anymore, I am more in need of glasses, no test needed really), but the print on the cover was pretty large. This man works alone, in a little hut at the entrance of a car park, I know this because that is where I saw him. It's got me thinking, over the last 3-4 months I've got used to working alone, since the other secretary was made redundant, but what if I end up like him? He sits there alone waiting for customers to come to him so he can do something he is paid to do. I sit here waiting for colleagues to come to me so that I can do something I am paid to do instead of writing this drivel or emailing friends. You get used to working alone and then someone comes in and tries to make polite conversation and it seems totally alien. I wonder if that's how he feels when people drive into the car park and say more than three words to him?
I am also beginning to wonder, is it only a matter of time before this level of solitude gets to me and I need to learn how to kill my friends? I hope not because I actually really quite like my friends.
Sorry, there doesn't appear to have been a point to this, I was just curious as to what drives someone to want to kill their friends, I bet it was nothing to do with friend killing. I suspect there was print too small for my failing vision stating "with laughter" and it's actually a joke book. I'm not going to look any closer next time I pass him, you know what happened to the curious cat.
I think it's a cult fiction book about the music industry, so no need to buy it if you're looking for tips on killing your friends.
I quite envy your car park man. I'd like to sit in a little warm hut in the filthy weather with a book to keep me company...
Ha if ever proof were needed that mine is an overactive (and suspicious) mind I think we've just found it. Damn that could've been something really interesting, admittedly not so interesting for the friends he may or may not have been planning to kill.
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