so i bought mr t a chainsaw today, he's always wanted one so he says. i had to walk about 2 miles with the 10kg awkwardly shaped box, i knew it would be a hassle before i'd even left the shop. i tripped over the wheel of a pram being pushed by a guy who was trying to escape, i turned to apologise and explain i couldn't see a thing over the box.... i turned back and promptly swung the top end of the box into the guy's face almost taking him out (i didn't). he was very patient, i insisted he left the shop before i did, purely on the basis that i could do him no more harm if he made his escape first.
then i was continuing the hunt for pyjamas, held a door open with my bum for a lady with a pram, partly because it was a door i'd have had to pull open and that was a nigh on impossible task with a bloody big box occupying both arms. she was grateful, i was grateful, it was fine. i did, however, get stuck in the door trying to get out of the shop but we'll gloss over that. this was all while two women stood near to the door, blinkers firmly in place, ignoring the struggle both i and the lady with the pram were involved in.
dropped my ipod halfway back to the office, a few metres away from a fire escape so i kicked it along the floor intending to rest the chainsaw on the stairs and retrieve the already battered ipod (its old and has bounced along many a road accidentally). a man coming towards me said "it's ok, i'll get it for you" i am ashamed to admit a fleeting thought that he might steal it sprang to mind then i realised that some people are lovely and genuine and would simply place the ipod on top of the box for me, which is exactly what he did.
my heart has been warmed for the second time this week. and that mr t had better bloody well like his present, my arms are killing me.
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