20 October 2008

Sunday Bloody Sunday

Saw Richard Herring doing his 'Headmaster's Son' stand up tonight. Wasn't sure if we'd even get there as Mr T was told this morning his Grandmother is not long for this world so to speak. We went tho, he wanted to go anyway didn't want to waste the money I'd spent on the tickets (typical). It was really funny and got me thinking. He spends the show exploring whether or not his parents, in particular his dad, are the reason he is the person he is today. In the end the conclusion was, no, you are what you are and its your own doing, you make your own decisions and those decisions make you who you are. I was thinking I should take the psychotherapist to see that gig. Maybe then it'd be obvious its nothing to do with being abandoned as a child, bloody pyschology.

Anyway, I don't have a lot else to say because all that's happened this weekend really is finding out that Mr T's Nan is in a bad way and I've been to see Richard Herring, clearly only one of those things bears thinking about right now.

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